Do This Movement Every Night Before Going To Bed, Your Body Will Change & Relax In No Time!!!

Insomnia is a common condition that affects both men and women. Due to the stressful lifestyle, inappropriate nutrition or exhaustion, the body can stay alert even when it is absolutely tired.

  • There are numerous natural ways in which you can help your body relax before finally reaching the sleeping phase and yoga is just one of those ways.
  • Yoga is not just about flexibility, it is also the state of mind, the use of energy and breath that will guide you to serenity and bliss.
  • To get the best from these poses, you need quiet, focus and readiness.
  • The object is not to be perfect at any pose, but to learn how to control your inner mind and allow yourself to surrender.
  • You will need around one minute for each pose, a timeframe that can grow day by day.
  • Make sure that by the end of your practice, you hold each pose for five minutes or more.

1.Balasana – Child’s Pose

  • In case you are suffering from bad knees, you might want to skip this pose.
  • Otherwise, it is highly recommended that you do this pose to soothe your nervous system and to relax your back, shoulders, stomach, and thoughts.
  • Make sure you keep your legs close together and draw your bottom backward, towards the heels.
  • If you cannot reach all the way to the back, place a blanket under your behind and relax completely.
  • Extend your arms long in front of you and keep track of your time by using a stopwatch.
  • Take long, deep breaths as you extend through the back.

2.Supta Baddha Konasana: Bound Angle Reclining Pose

  • Also known as butterfly pose, this will get you far with very little effort.
  • Lie flat on your back, pop the knees upwards, bring the feet soles together and let the knees fall to the ground on each side.
  • Use a stack of books or a folded blanket under each knee to keep your knees fixed if they cannot fall to the floor.
  • Take long, deep breaths and draw navel in while doing it.


  • Lie flat on your back, and wrap your knees together.
  • You can also grab your shins if that is easy for you. Move side to side slowly.
  • This helps the lower back pain be relieved after a stressful day.
  • Make sure to keep your shoulders flat on the ground and not to put extra pressure on them.
  • Don’t forget the long breaths as you move.

4.Supta Matsyendrasana: Reclining Spinal Twist

  • Again, position yourself on the back and prop up your knees.
  • Allow the knees to swing all the way to the right side. For more stability, hold left thigh with the right hand.
  • While doing this, extend your left arm out to the left and slowly turn your head to the left as well.
  • Keep shoulders on the ground as much as possible. Move with your breath and then switch sides.

5.Matsyasana: Fish Pose

  • Remain on your back and extend both arms by your sides. Facepalms downwards and draw them near the buttocks.
  • Begin pressing the lower arms and bend the elbows.
  • The object is to lift upwards only with your upper body and to open your heart.
  • Keep head up if this is unpleasant for you but in time make sure to keep them down.
  • Breathe deeply five to ten times and then release thoughtfully.

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