See What Your Eyes Can Tell You About Your Health!!!

Your eyes are the windows to your soul and to your overall health. You may be surprised, but there is a wide variety of health issues (such as stroke, diabetes, liver failure, and heart disease) which your doctor can identify, using your eyes.

Each of your eyes contains the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, and optic nerve. They are normally moisturized by tears, produced by special ducts at the corner of the eyes.

Maybe it’s the only area in your body, where the medical professional can see nerves, blood vessels, and tissues without hindrance.

According to recommendations of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, all adults by the age of 40 need to get baseline eye examination because this period of life was recognized as a start point for numerous diseases.

It’s worth consulting with your doctor, if noticed any of these symptoms, which can indicate various health problems:

1. Sudden loss of vision
many of us suffer from poor eyesight.
However abrupt decrease of vision may be caused by impaired blood flow to the eye or to the brain.
The most common reasons of this problem are stroke, migraine headache and progression of the brain tumor.
2. Eye puffiness
Water retention, associated with kidney dysfunction, is a well-known culprit of swollen eyelids.
3. Bulging eyes
Hyperthyroidism occurs when your thyroid gland starts to create too much thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
This disorder usually manifests in unintentional weight loss, bulging eyes, tremor, hair loss and nervousness.
4. White-yellow spots around the cornea fatty
deposits may accumulate outside your cornea, forming patches or ring.
This condition is a sign of dramatically high levels of cholesterol in the body.
5. Different pupils
seek for medical help as soon as possible, if noticed that your pupils differ in size and don’t return to original appearance.
That’s commonly caused by circulatory or neurological troubles.
6. Drooping eyelids,
ptosis occurs because of autoimmune disorder (myasthenia gravis), tumor or neurological problem.
It is frequently accompanied by weakness and numbness of the face, arms and other parts of the body.
7. Blurred vision
people with diabetes may experience this symptom if don’t control blood sugar levels properly.
Chronically elevated blood glucose affects nerves and vessels, causing diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy.
8. Yellow eyes
when red blood cells die off, they break down, forming a chemical called bilirubin.
It normally enters into the composition of the bile and is eliminated by your liver.
If liver loses its ability to function as needed, bilirubin begins to accumulate in your skin and mucosal membranes, staining them in yellow color.
9. Bloody eyes
blood can pool into the eye white as a result of the injury or because of extremely increased blood pressure.
10. Eye twitching
in the most cases, eyes twitches are harmless.
They may develop after stress, smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine.
Occasionally this symptom may be caused by autoimmune disease called multiple sclerosis.
11. Pink eye
the sclera is a white part of your eye. It may become pink or reddish, when infection penetrates to the eye, causing inflammation (conjunctivitis).
12. Eye dryness
maybe each of us is familiar with this symptom, happened after long-term stare at the computer.
Sometimes your eyes may become dry due to hormonal changes.
Specialists say that it may be also linked with some forms of arthritis.
13. Lumps on the eyelid
style develop a result of the clogging and infection of the eyelash follicle.
14. Eye pain
Your eye can be painful through the wide variety of reasons, such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, and migraines.

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